I am a researcher with a deep interest in how creative practitioners think, act and make artefacts. For many years, I studied the work of artists, designers and technologists focusing on the role of digital systems in amplifying and transforming their creativity and wrote a book called The Creative Reflective Practitioner (2020). I have been involved in the writing and editing of The Routledge International Handbook of Practice Based Research (2022), Explorations in Art and Technology (2002, 2018), Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluating New Art Practice (2014) and Interacting: Art, Research and the Creative Practitioner (2011). I also write poetry and personal travel journals. I have been influenced by the writings of great authors of the past and am an avid reader still. Most of all I have been inspired by the dedication and determination of the many creative people I have met over my working lifetime.
‘The Creative Reflective Practitioner‘ explores research and practice through the eyes of creative people. Practitioner interviews featured give a direct sense of what it means to be a creative reflective practitioner, whether working alone, in collaboration with others, with digital technology or doing research.This website gives access to all the interviews with practitioners that informed the ideas discussed at length in the book. The complete set of interviews is available with introductions to each practitioner… Click here