Conference and Journal Papers by Year
TutorialsBooks and book chapters
Vear, C. (ed.) Candy, L. Edmonds, E.A (consulting editors) (2022). The Routledge Handbook of Practice-Based Research. Routledge: London and New York.
Candy, L. The Creative Reflective Practitioner Routledge 2020
Candy, L. Edmonds, E.A and Poltronieri, F. Explorations in Art and Technology, Springer Cultural Computing Series: London, 2nd Edition 2018.
Candy, L. and Ferguson, S. (2014). Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluating New Art Practice, Springer Cultural Computing Series.
Candy, L. (2014). Evaluation and Experience in Art. In Candy, L. and Ferguson, S. (2014). Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluating New Art Practice, Springer Cultural Computing Series, Chapter 3, pp 25-48.
Candy, L. (2012) Evaluating Creativity, in Carroll, J. M.(ed). Creativity and Rationale: Enhancing Human Experience By Design, Springer, pp 57-84.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2011). Interacting: Art, Research and the Creative Practitioner, Libri Publishing Ltd: Faringdon, UK
Candy, L. (2011). Research and Creative Practice. In Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (eds) Interacting: Art, Research and the Creative Practitioner, Libri Publishing Ltd: Faringdon, UK: 33-59.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2010) The Role of the Artefact and Frameworks for Practice-based Research. The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts, M. Biggs and H. Larsson (eds), Routledge.
Journal Papers and Articles
Kurt Mikolajczyk, Samuel Ferguson, Linda Candy, Augusto Dias Pereira dos Santos & Oliver Bown (2024) Space shaping in the design process for creative coding: a case study in media multiplicities
Pages 31-51, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2018). Practice-Based Research in the Creative Arts: Foundations and Futures from the Front Line, Leonardo, Volume 51, Issue 1, February, pp 63-69.
Candy, L. (2013). A Practitioner Perspective on Creativity and Innovation Research, Editorial article, International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, Taylor & Francis.
Candy, L. (2013 ). A Practitioner Perspective on Creativity and Innovation Research, Editorial article, International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, Taylor & Francis.
Edmonds, E.A and Candy, L. (2010) Relating Theory, Practice and Evaluation in Practitioner Research, Leonardo Journal 43 (5) 470–476.
Giaccardi,. E. and Candy, L. (2009). Guest Editors of Special Section on Materialities of Creativity: Creativity and Cognition, Leonardo Journal. Vol. 42, 3, Introduction, pp 194-195.Candy, L. and Costello, B.M eds.(2008) Interaction Design and Creative Practice Special Issue Design Studies. Elsevier, vol.29 (6) pp 521-524.Bilda, Z., Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A.(2008) Designing for Creative Engagement, In Interaction Design and Creative Practice Special issue Design Studies. Elsevier, Vol. 29 (6), pp 525 – 540.Johnston, A., Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2008) Designing and Evaluating Virtual Musical Instruments: Facilitating Conversational User Interaction, In Interaction Design and Creative Practice Special issue Design Studies. Elsevier. Vol. 29(6), pp 556-571.Candy, L and Hewett, T.T. eds. (2008). Special Issue Introduction: Investigating and Cultivating Creativity International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 24 Issue 5, pp 441-443.Edmonds, E.A and Candy. L. (2008). Interpretation in Practice, In R2P: The Problem of Interpretation, 5th Research into Practice Conference, edited by Michael Biggs and Daniela Büchler, 31st October, Royal Society of Arts, London UK, pp 45-47.Candy, L. (2007) New Media Arts and the Future of Technologies in Creativity Support Tools, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 50 No 12, December, pp 30-31.Johnston, A., Marks, B. & Candy, L. (2007) Sound Controlled Musical Instruments Based on Physical Models. In Proceedings of the 2007 International Computer Music Conference, 2007, vol1: 232-239 pp 100-109.Zhang, Y. and L. Candy. (2007) A communicative behaviour analysis of art-technology collaboration in M.J. Smith & G. Salvendy (eds), Proceedings 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Beijing, China: Springer, pp 212-221.Zhang, Y. and Candy, L. (2007). An In-Depth Case Study of Art- Technology Collaboration Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition 2007, ACM Press: New York, pp 53-62.Candy, L. (2007). Constraints and Creativity in the Digital Arts, Leonardo Vol. 40, No. 4.Bilda, Z., Candy, L, Edmonds, E.A. (2007) An embodied cognition framework for interactive experience. Co-Design: International Journal of Co Creation in Design and the Arts, Volume 3, Issue 2 June, pp 123 –
Zhang, Y. and Candy, L. (2006). Investigating Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Case Studies in Art and Technology, Proceedings CCS/ACID Symposium ENGAGE: Interaction, Art and Experience, Creativity and Cognition Studios Press, University of Technology, Sydney, pp 282-290.Johnston, A., Marks, B., Candy, L & Edmonds, E. (2006). Partial Reflections: Interactive Environments for musical exploration, in Engage: Interaction, Art and Audience Experience, Sydney, Australia, pp.100-109., Australia
Seevinck, J., Candy, L., Edmonds, E.A. (2006). Exploration and Reflection in Interactive Art: Glass Pond. Proceedings of OZCHI 2006, CD ROM, Sydney, Australia.
Zhang, Y. and Candy, L. (2006). Investigating Collaboration in Art and Technology. CoDesign: International Journal of Co Creation in Design and the Arts, Interactive Art Collaboration (Special Edition), Vol.2 No. 4 December, pp 239-248.
Zhang, Y. and L. Candy. Investigating Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Case Studies in Art and Technology in The third international conference on Qualitative Research in IT & IT in Qualitative Research, 2006, Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia: Griffith University Press, pp. 173-183.
Candy, L, Amitani, S and Bilda, Z. (2006). Practice-Led Strategies for Interactive Art Research, CoDesign: International Journal of Co Creation in Design and the Arts, Interactive Art Collaboration (Special Edition), Vol.2 No. 4 December, pp 209-223.
Edmonds, E.A., Candy, L, Fell, M. Pauletto, S. and Weakley, A. (2005). The Studio as Laboratory: Combining Creative Practice and Digital Technology Research, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Special Issue on Creativity and Computational Support, Vol. 63, issue 4, August pp 452-481.
Edmonds, E.A., Candy, L, (2005). Macaroni Synthesis: A Creative Multimedia Collaboration, September, YLEM Journal: Artists using Science and Technology, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp 4-6.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2002). Explorations in Art and Technology, Springer-Verlag, London. ISBN 1-85233-545-9Journal Papers and Articles
Nagai, Y. Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2003). Representations of Design Thinking: A Review of Recent Studies. Journal of the Asian Design International Conference, Vol. 1., Asian Society for the Science of Design. ISSN 1347-7817, p. 105 & CDROM Index No. 341, Tsukuba, Japan.Candy, L. and Hori, K. (2003). The Digital Muse: HCI in Support of Creativity, Creativity and Cognition Comes of Age, Interactions Journal Vol. X.4, July, July/August, ACM Press, New York, pp 44-54.
Edmonds, E.A. and Candy, L. (2002). Creativity, Art Practice and Knowledge, Communications of the ACM Special Section on Creativity and Interface, Volume 45, Issue 10, October, pp 91-95.
Mamykina, L. Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (200 2). Collaborative Creativity. Communications of the ACM Special Section on Creativity and Interface, Volume 45, Issue 10, October, pp 96-99.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2002). Interaction in Art and Technology, Crossings: Electronic Journal of Art and Technology Volume 2 Issue 1 March.
Conference Papers
Candy, L., Bilda, Z., Gero, J. Maher, M-L., Marchant, D., Namprempree, K. and Crawford, J. (2004). A Methodology for Studying the Impact of Virtual Environments on a Collaborative Design Process. First International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC04), MIT, Boston, July,19-21, Poster Paper.Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2004). Creative Expertise and Collaborative Technology Design. In Proceedings APCHI: 6th Asia Pacific Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, June 29-July 2, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp 60-69.
Edmonds, E.A., Turner, G. and Candy, L., (2004). Approaches to Interactive Art Systems, Proceedings of Graphite 2004: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia, 15-18th June, Singapore.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2003). Collaborative Expertise for Creative Technology Design, In Proceedings of Expertise in Design, Design Thinking Research Symposium 6, edited by N. Cross and
E.A. Edmonds, University of Technology, Sydney, November ,2003, Creativity and Cognition Studios Press, pp 295-310.
Edmonds, E.A. Candy, L., Fell, M., Knott, R.P., Weakley, A. (2003). Macaroni Synthesis: A Creative Multimedia Collaboration. IV03, 7th International Conference on Computer Visualization and Graphics Applications, (eds. E. Banissi et al. 16-18 July, London, pp 646-651.
Candy, L., Edmonds, E.A. Fell, M., Knott, R.P., Pauletto,S. & Weakley, A. (2003) Developing Interactive Art using Visual Programming. In Proceedings HCI International 2003, 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Stephanidis, C and Jacko, J.(eds) June 23-27, Crete, pp 1183-1187.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2002). Modeling Co-Creativity in Art and Technology, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creativity and Cognition, (eds) T.T. Hewett & T.Kavanagh, ACM press: New York, pp 134-141.
Candy, L. Edmonds, E.A., Ferran, B., Haworth, J., Mottram, J. and Pettigrew, J. (2002) Research into Art and Technology: Panel In Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition Fourth International Conference, (eds) T.T. Hewett & T.Kavanagh, ACM Press: New York, pp 25-30.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2002). The COSTART Exhibition at C&C2002. In Proceedings of the Fourth Creativity & Cognition Conference: Exhibition Papers and Posters, Mottram, J. Candy, L. & Kavanagh, T. (eds), LUSAD Publications, Loughborough University, UK, pp 11-22.
Candy, L. (2002) Co-Creativity in Interactive Digital Art, Consciousness Reframed, Fourth International CAiiA-STAR Research Conference, 2-4th August, Perth.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2002). Modeling Creative Collaboration: Studies in Digital Art. In Computational and Cognitive Models of Creative Design V, Developing Ideas, pp 3-12.
Other Publications: Editorials, Short Journal and Magazine Articles
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2002). Creativity and Cognition in 2002: Introduction to the Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition 2002, ACM Press: New York.Candy, L. (2002) Creativity and Cognition Part 1: Perspectives on the Third Symposium. Introduction to Special Section on Creativity and Cognition, Leonardo Journal, 35, 1 pp 55-57.
Candy, L. (2002) Creativity and Cognition Part 2: Perspectives on the Third Symposium, Part Introduction to Special Section on Creativity and Cognition, Leonardo Journal, 35, 3 pp 313-314.
Candy, L. (2002) The Art of Collaboration : A Guide to Co-Creativity in Art+Technology. Feature Article in i3 Magazine: The European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, No 12, June, pp12-16.
Candy, L and Bilda, Z (2009) Understanding and Evaluating Creativity, Creativity and Cognition 2009, October, UC Berkeley CA.Candy, L and Bilda, Z (2007) Understanding and Evaluating Creativity, Creativity and Cognition 2007, June Washington DC.
Description and HandoutsCandy, L. (2004) Approaches and Methods for Studying Creative Interaction between People and Technology. Research Methodologies Seminars , July-August, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2004). Enhancing creativity: Understanding Creativity and Informing HCI Design. APCHI Singapore.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2003). Supporting Human Creativity. HCI International 2003, Crete, Greece, June 22-27,
Candy, L. (2003) Collaborative Design Research, Design Thinking Course, Masters degree, University of Sydney.
Candy, L. and Harris, D. (2001) Evaluating Model Data Exchange between System Engineering Tools. Journal of Systems Engineering Volume 4, No. 1, pp 13-23.Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2001). Modelling Creative Collaboration: Studies in Digital Art. Computational and Cognitive Models of Creative Design V Developing Ideas, pp 3-12.
Edmonds, E.A., Candy, L., and Britton, J.H. (2001) Sharing Strategic Knowledge; Evaluating B2B Transactions in Systems Engineering Design, Preprints of the Third International Workshop on Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation, J.S. Gero and Hori, K. (eds). University of Sydney 17-18 December, pp 145-161.
Britton, J.H. Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2001) A Method for Sharing Information for Quality Measurement in Multi-Site Team Development. Pathways to Software Quality: Proceedings BCS conference on Software Quality Management IX, edited by Dawson, R. King, G. Ross, M and Staples, G. pp 19-29.
Nakakoji, K, Gross, M.D, Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2001) Tools, Conceptual Frameworks, and Empirical Studies for Early Stages of Design. Proceedings CHI2001 Extended Abstracts edited by J. Jacko and A. Sears, ACM Press, 2001.
Candy, L. and Britton, J.H. (2001). Obtaining Quantitative Measures for Assessing the Effectiveness of Design Data Exchange. Proceedings PDT April 25-26th, Brussels, Published by Quality Marketing Services (QMS), pp213-222.
Candy. L. and Edmonds, E.A. (2000). Creativity Enhancement with Emerging Technologies. Communications of the ACM Special Issue on Personalization Systems. Volume 43, No.8, August, pp 62-65.
Kvan, T. and Candy, L. (2000) Designing collaborative environments for strategic knowledge in design. Knowledge-Based Systems Special Issue on Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation. Edmonds, E.A. (ed.), Volume 13/6, pp 429-438.
Edmonds, E.A. and Candy, L. (2000) Business to Business (B2B) Data Exchange in Systems Engineering, Pre-Proceedings Design and the Emerging E-Commerce Environment, November 14-15 Edinburgh University, pp7-15, EUROPIA Productions, Paris, France.
Other publications
Candy, L. (2000). Dimensions of Art-Technology Partnerships in Collaborative Creativity, Collective Creativity Workshop, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, August 7-8th.Candy, L. (2000). Creative Media and Advanced Technology: the New HCI. Editorial Special Issue on Creativity and Cognition, Guest Editor, Knowledge-Based Systems 13 7-8, December, pp iii-iv.
Candy, L. (1998). Representing Strategic Knowledge in Design. Knowledge-Based Systems Special Issue on Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation. K.Hori (ed.), Volume 11, 7-8, pp 379-390. ISSN 0950-7051.Shah, D., Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A.(1998). An Investigation into Supporting Collaboration over the Internet. Computer Communications: Special issue on Internet: State-of-the art. Volume 20, Number 16, pp 1458-1466.
Kvan, T, and Candy, L. (1999). Designing Collaborative Environments for Strategic Knowledge in Design. Proceedings Second International Conference of Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation, October 20-22, Appi, Iwate. Published by Iwate Prefectural University, Japan, pp 85-94. ISBN 4-901195-01-8,1.
Harris, D. and Candy, L. (1999). Evaluation in the SEDRES project: Measuring the Effectiveness of System Engineering Tool Model Data Exchange. Proceedings Ninth International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering INCOSE 99,Volume 1, eds A. Fairbairn, C. Jones, C.Kowalski, P.Robson. June.6-10, pp 59-67.
Johnson, J. F.E., Luise, F. Loeuillet, J-L., Inderst, M. Nilsson, B. Torne, A. Candy, L., Harris, D. (1999). The Future Systems Engineering Data Exchange Standard STEP AP-233: Sharing the results of the SEDRES Project. Proceedings Ninth International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering INCOSE 99,Volume 1,eds A. Fairbairn, C. Jones, C.Kowalski, P.Robson June.6-10, pp 923-931.
Candy, L. (1999). Cognitive Modelling of Creative Knowledge Work for Interaction Design Criteria. Proceedings 4th International Roundtable Conference on Computational Models of Creative Design. J.Gero and M-L Maher (eds), December, pp 57-79.
Edmonds, E.A. and Candy, L. (1999) Computation, Interaction and Imagination: Into Virtual Space and Back to Reality. In Proceedings 4th International Roundtable Conference on Computational Models of Creative Design. J.Gero and M-L Maher (eds), December, pp 19-31.
Britton, J.H., Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1998) Software Support for Usability Measurement: An Application to Systems Engineering Data Exchange Development. Proceedings of HCI’98, People and Computers XIII. H. Johnson, L. Nigay, C. Roast.(eds). Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp 37-52. ISBN 3-540-76261-2
Other Publications
Edmonds, E.A and Candy, L. (1999) Introducing Creativity to Cognition. Proceedings #rd Creativity and Cognition Conference, October 10-13 ACM Press, pp 3-6 ISBN 1-58113-078-3
Candy, L. (1997). Computers and Creativity Support: Knowledge, Visualization and Collaboration. Knowledge Based Systems, Volume 10, No 1, June, pp 3-13. ISSN 0950-7051.Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1997). Supporting the Creative User: A Criteria-based Approach to Interaction Design. Design Studies, April , Volume 18, No 2, pp 185-194.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1996). Creative Design of the Lotus Bicycle: Implications for Knowledge Support System Research. Design Studies, Volume 17, No. 1, 71-90. ISSN 0142-694X (96)00037-2
Edmonds, E.A. and Candy, L. (1996). Computer support for concept engineering design : enabling interaction with design knowledge.. Information Systems Engineering, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp 55-72.
Candy, L. (1997). Modelling Strategic Knowledge in Design from Empirical Evidence: Representations to a Purpose. Candy, L. and Hori, K. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation. LUTCHI Research Centre, Loughborough University. November, pp 85-98.
Candy, L. (1996). Understanding Creativity: An Empirical Approach. Proceedings 2nd International Symposium Creativity and Cognition, LUTCHI Research Centre, Loughborough University, April, pp 45-54.
Candy, L and Edmonds, E.A. (editors) Creativity and Cognition (1996). Proceedings 2nd International Symposium Creativity and Cognition, LUTCHI Research Centre, Loughborough University. ISBN 1 900703 00 9.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1996). Creative Design of the Lotus Bicycle: Implications for Knowledge Support System Research. Design Studies, Vol. 17, 1, pp 71-90.
Murray, B.S., Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A (1996). User Centred Complex System Design: Combining Strategy, Methods and Front End Technology. In Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering. D. Benyon and P. Palanque (eds) Springer-Verlag: Berlin. Chapter 10, pp 169-187.
Candy, L. (1995). The Twin Paths of Research and Design: Reformulating the Computer System Development Process. Journal of Design Sciences and Technology , 4, ( 1), pp 57-72, Europia Productions. ISSN: 1257-8703Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1994). Artefacts and the Designer’s Process: Implications for Computer Support to Design, Journal of Design Sciences and Technology, 3 (1), pp 11-31.
Edmonds, E.A., Candy, L., Jones, R.M. and Soufi, B. (1994). Support for collaborative design: agents and emergence. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 37, No.7, pp 41-47 July.
Candy, L. (1995). Creative Cognition and Computer Support: Lessons from Empirical Studies. International AI Symposium 95, Nagoya, November.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1995). Creativity in Knowledge Work: A Process Model and Requirements for Support. Proceedings OZCHI’95, HCI A Light into the Future, edited by H.Hassan and C.Nicastri, published by CHISIG, pp 242-248.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1995) Cognitive style and computer support to creative design. Proceedings OZCHI’95, HCI A Light into the Future, edited by H.Hassan and C.Nicastri, published by CHISIG, pp 262-263.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A and Patrick, D.J. (1995). Interactive knowledge support to conceptual design.AI System Support for Conceptual Design, Proceedings of the 1995 Lancaster International Workshop on Engineering Design. ed. J.Sharpe, Springer-Verlag, pp 260-278. ISBN 3-540-76000-8
Clibbon, K.C.,Edmonds, E.A and Candy, L. (1995). Representing conceptual design knowledge with multi-layered logic. AI System Support for Conceptual Design Proceedings of the 1995 Lancaster International Workshop on Engineering Design. ed. Sharpe, J. Springer-Verlag, pp 93-108. ISBN 3-540-76000-8
Clibbon, K.C., Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A (1995). A Logic-based Framework for Representing Architectural Design Knowledge. Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. International Conference, The Global Studio, 20-22 September, Singapore, pp 42–53.
Candy, L., Edmonds, E.A., Heggie, S.P., Murray, B.S. and Rousseau, N.P. (1995). A Strategy and Technology for Front End System Development. Proceedings HCI International ’95 Yokohama, Elsevier Science B.V. July, pp103-108. ISBN 0 444 81795 6
Candy, L. (1994). The Twin Paths of Research and Design: Reformulating the Computer System Development Process, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Philosophy of Design and IT, EUROPA & LAIAC/University of Caen, PhDit’94, Caen, France, pp 95-107.
Candy, L. O’Brien, S.M. and Edmonds, E.A. (1993). End-user manipulation of a knowledge -based system: A study of an expert’s practice. Int. Journal Man-Machine Studies, 38, 129-145.Jones, R.M., Candy, L. & Edmonds, E.A .(1993). Knowledge-Based System Requirements. Knowledge-Based Systems, 6, 1, pp 31-37, March.
Rousseau, N.P., Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A.. (1993). Influence, discretion and time available: A case study of HCI practice in software development. Interacting with Computers, Volume 5, No 4, December, pp 397-41, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Murray, B.S., Edmonds, E.A., Candy, L. & Foster, T.J. (1993). Constructing Semantic Graphical Objects. Proceeding of Third International Conference on Computational graphics and Visualization Techniques, Santo (ed.) ACM Press, Compugraphics ’93, USA, pp 46-57.
Candy, L. (1993) Hypothetical design in the perfect world: Observations on Design Rationale in knowledge support systems development. 5th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Poster Sessions: Abridged Proceedings, Orlando, August. p 222.
Candy, L and Edmonds, E.A. (1993). Collaborative design in system development: what place for design rationale? AAAI-93 Workshop Program, Working Notes on the 11th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Washington, USA, pp 283-285.
Edmonds, E.A. Candy, L. and Murray, B.S. (1993). Knowledge support systems for designers. IJCAI ’93 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Design, 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Kaufmann, USA, pp 7-12.
Edmonds, E.A. and Candy, L. (1993). Knowledge support systems for conceptual design: the amplification of creativity. Salvendy and Smith (eds). Human-Computer Interaction: Software and Hardware Interfaces- HCI International ‘93, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 350-355.
Edmonds, E.A. and Candy, L (1993). Knowledge Support Systems for Conceptual Design: The Amplification of Creativity. AAAI Spring Symposium Artificial Intelligence and Creativity and Design, Stanford University, U.S.A., March.
O’Brien, S.M., Candy, L., Edmonds, E.A., Foster, T.J. and McDaid, E. (1992). End User Knowledge Manipulation Systems: The Speech Knowledge Interface. (eds). Agrawal, J.P., Kumar V. and Wallentine, V. (editors), In: Proc. of 20th Annual Computer Science Conference, pp. 359-366.
O’Brien, S.M., Candy, L., Edmonds, E.A. and Foster, T.J. (1992) Knowledge Acquisition and Refinement Using End-User Knowledge Manipulation Systems. Biswas (editor) Applications of Artificial Intelligence X: Knowledge-Based Systems Conference, SPIE Proceedings Series, Washington, pp 25-36.
Edmonds, E.A., Candy, L. and O’Brien, S.M. (1992) End-User Programming by a Knowledge-Worker: a study in progress. ACM Special Interest Group in Human Computer Interaction, CHI ’92 Workshop, Monterey, May.
O’Brien, S.M., Candy, L., Edmonds, E.A. and .Rousseau, N.P. (1992). Visualization and graphical interaction: contrapuntal support for knowledge workers. Proc. ECCE6 ’92 – 6th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Hungary, pp 231-241.
Rousseau, N.P., Candy, L.and Edmonds, E.A. (1992). Thinking aloud evaluation by mon-HCI practitioners. Poster presentation, HCI’92, York, September.
Candy, L (1992) Participatory Research for Knowledge Support Systems Development. Poster paper, OZCHI’92, Brisbane, November.
Candy, L. (1992). Modelling the Creative Product versus Supporting Human Creativity. AISB Quarterly, No 81 Autumn, pp 31-34.
Edmonds, E.A., Candy, L. and Guest, S. (1984). User Interface Construction Software and the Computer-Aided Acquisition of Basic English Skills. Interfaces in Computing, 2, pp 69-80Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1982). A study in the use of a computer as an aid to English teaching. Int.J. Man-Machine Studies, Volume 16 (3) pp 333-340.
Jones, R.M., Candy, L. & Edmonds, E.A . (1991) Knowledge-Based System Requirements. Bullinger (editor), Proceedings HCI91: Human Aspects in Computing: Design and Use of Interactive Systems and Information Management, Elsevier, pp 796-800.
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A. (1991). Amplifying creativity: the role of end user: knowledge manipulation systems. Preprints of Symposium on AI, Reasoning and Creativity. Griffiths University, Australia, pp 57-59.
Edmonds, E.A.. Candy, L., Slatter, P. and Lunn, S. (1989). Issues in the Design of Expert Systems for Business. Expert Systems for Information Management, 2, 1, pp 1-22.
Candy, L. (1988). Computers and the curriculum : an action research perspective. Journal of Computer-Aided Learning, 4, pp 203-213.
Candy, L. (1983). A project which investigates using a computer in English language teaching. CAL (Computer Aided Learning) NEWS 23, August .
Candy, L. and Edmonds, E.A.(1988). Introducing an expert system into an office. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Proceedings Man-Machine Systems Conference, Finland, June.
Candy, L. and Lunn, S.(1988). Design strategies for expert systems : a case study. Proceedings Joint ICL and Ergonomics Society Conference, Stratford, May.
Candy, L., Buckley, M. and Lunn, S. (1988) Prototyping the user interface and requirements analysis. Proceedings Joint ICL and Ergonomics Society Conference, Stratford, May.
Candy, L. (1987) Designing Expert Systems : A Field Study. Paper to HI Alvey club on Evaluation of computer systems the field or laboratory, December, Loughborough University.
Candy, L. (1986). Reflections on six years of an action research process in English. CARN Bulletin, Cambridge Institute of Education.